Woolumbool meeting every market with three breed offering

With 240 lots on offer at Woolumbool studs annual on-property auction this year, there is sure to be a ram to suit every producer’s needs.

The Clothier family will offer Poll Dorset, White Suffolk and Multi Meat sires in October, and despite the season being incredibly tough the rams are looking great and growing well.

“We’ve had some good rainfalls now, but it was a very slow start,” Woolumbool principal Aaron Clothier said.

“It has been tough for everyone and there has been lots of feeding going on that doesn’t usually happen at this time of year and it is still required.


“But it is greening up and if current weather continues should have a good spring growth season leading up to the sale.”

Objective measurement has been a priority tool at Woolumbool since its introduction into the industry, and the extensive data collection and consultation has led to impressive results.

All the White Suffolk rams in this year’s offering have Lambplan values in the top 10% or better for the Lamb Eating Quality (LEQ) index, while the Poll Dorset lots are all in the top 20% or better for the same index.

Lambplan describes the LEQ index as balancing large improvements in eating quality with modest increases in lean meat yield and includes emphasis on worm egg count ASBVs - all traits of importance at Woolumbool.

“LEQ is the index we use as a driver, as it helps us select the top performers, and then we drill down on the individual traits such as post weaning weights and fats, as well as ensuring they are structurally sound and typical of breed” Aaron said.

“Another big focus has been on meat eating quality with shearforce, intramuscular fat and lean meat yield.

“We believe that is where the lamb markets are heading, and we try to be on the forefront of what the processors are chasing- so when they flick the switch to pay for yield and eating quality, we want to be supplying those sheep that are right for the job.”

That doesn’t mean they are taking their foot off the pedal when it comes to breeding low birth weights and high growth rates, added Aaron.

“And as always one of the things we are chasing is worm egg count.”

“We see that if we can reduce the number of times we have to drench the sheep it is better for everyone.”

White Suffolk sire lines which will be present in this year’s sale include Farrer 210275, a ram with ASBVs in the top one percent for post weaning weight, shearforce, dressing percentage and lambing ease direct, as well as Triggervale 211456 and Waratah 210028.

Homegrown sire Woolumbool 221507, in the top one per cent for post weaning eye muscle depth, IMF, dressing percentage and lambing ease direct, will also have sons in the sale.

Poll Dorset sire lines will feature Bruan 190007 - in the top 10 per cent or better for both Terminal Carcase Production and LEQ Index - and Newbold 210016 a ram in the top five per cent or better for all Lambplan indexes.

Woolumbool also offer their clients a maternal ram option in their Multi Meat line - composite breed based on elite genetics of various high-performance breeds which carry the high fecundity Booroola fertility gene.

This year the Multi Meat rams on offer will nearly all be in the to 20 per cent for yearling fibre diameter.

“We have been chasing fibre diameter, a lot of people have swung away from wool, but we still see it as a valuable asset to the first-cross ewe and if we can make that wool more valuable all our clients will see the benefits,” Aaron said.

“Our crossbred lambs from Multi Meats over Merino ewes were around that 23-micron mark again this year - that is nearly as fine as your Merino lines - and clients find it a much better option than having a 30 micron fleece.”

The 37th Annual Woolumbool On-Property Sale will be held at 12pm South Australian time on Wednesday October 2 at the Yacca Downs Woolshed, Woolumbool, and via AuctionsPlus.

All rams are fully paddock reared, with minimal supplementary because of the season.

For the latest news & sale updates, please visit www.woolumbool.com.au or Woolumbool Studs Facebook Page.

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