About Us

Woolumbool Studs have been breeding high performance rams for the Prime lamb Industry, north of Lucindale in SA’s South East since 1975.
Objective measurement has been the priority tool in use at Woolumbool since its introduction in the early 1980’s and remains so to the present, which along with sensible use of visual traits ensures we are breeding rams which sire lambs that are efficient at production.
We aim to produce rams which have lower birth weights with high growth and exceptional muscling which gives our rams the ability to produce viable fast growing and easy finishing lambs.
Our rams are pasture based and receive very little in the way of supplementary feeding which we believe gives them an edge later in life when winter pastures are short and lacking.
Woolumbool rams are generally considerably younger at sale than many other rams due to being born late winter and during spring and therefore not overweight and they are very fit and active at the time of our ram sale as a result.
Many of our clients are very focused on breeding values and very interested in purchasing sires which fit their own breeding objectives and we take great pleasure in being able to present rams which fit their requirements.
Woolumbool Studs has always followed the latest research in breeding for future requirements and have supplied lambs for eating quality evaluations as well as some sires for use in the MLA reference flocks.
Following Sheep Genetics advice, we have DNA tested 20% of the current sale rams to obtain more accurate eating quality breeding values.
The 2021 drop of Poll Dorset and White Suffolk lambs have a high proportion of them in the top 5% of animals based on the LEQ Index.
The sires in use for the 2022 drop of lambs have the majority of them in the top 1%of animals based on the LEQ Index.
Our History
From humble share farming beginnings at the ‘Highfield’ property north of Crystal Brook in 1954, Geoffrey & Cynthia Clothier along with their family made the big move to the current Woolumbool property in 1962.
Originally farming mainly merino ewes and a small cattle herd, in the mid 1970’s, the family introduced the Poll Dorset breed to the stud with a focus on breeding stud sheep.
When additional land was added to the original farm holdings, the White Suffolk breed was added into the breeding program during 1987 to provide the stud & commercial clients additional options.
In 1992, the Multi Meat Composite, high fecundity sheep breed was also introduced to the stud to enable the stud to run a self-replacing flock.
The first Poll Dorset Stud Ram Sale was held on the property, “Kangoora” in 1987 with the oher breeds included in the auctions in later years.
Since 2019, the annual Spring Ram Sales are now held exclusively at the “Yacca Downs” property.
Woolumbool Studs is currently managed and operated by Aaron & Sally Clothier & their children in conjunction with support from Phil & Sharon Clothier who have recently stepped back to travel and enjoy spending time with their grandchildren.