Multi Meats

Breeding Aims
Multi-Meats are a composite breed based on elite genetics of various high-performance breeds.
Woolumbool Studs began breeding Multi-Meat composites in 1992 based on the ‘Booroola’ Leicester from the Struan research centre. Initially infusing, primarily White Suffolk genes with selected Poll Dorset genetics.
We have since continued to introduce a large variety of breeds and other composites to enhance lamb survivability and wool production traits across the Multi-Meat flock.
Multi-Meat crossbreds have been tested in on farm trials in NSW, Vic and SA, and have consistently reared 15-30% more lambs than normal crossbreds when managed under the same environmental conditions.
At Woolumbool we continue to target finer wool production whilst improving carcass production.
Our goal is to produce sires that can produce moderate sized first cross ewes, which produce a higher quality cross bred fleece and high lambing percentages.
And breed cross bred lambs with high growth and muscle when mated to high quality White Suffolk and Poll Dorset sires.
Multi-Meat Sires
The Multi-Meat sires carry the high fecundity ‘Booroola’ fertility gene.
Homozygote Sire carries 2 copies of the gene.
Homozygote sires will have offspring that carry 1 copy of the high fecundity Booroola gene when mated to ewes with no Booroola gene.
Heterozygote carries 1 copy of the gene.
Heterozygote Sires produce 50% of their female offspring with the high fecundity Booroola gene with the remaining 50% being of normal fecundity.
Homozygote Multi-meat rams sire ewes which will lamb over 200%.
Why choose a Multi-Meat Ram?
Potential to achieve 150% - 180% lambing consistently under the right management
Focussed on early growth
Keeping adult weights down
Decreased wool micron
Strong mothering ability
Easy to get in lamb

It is our view that we must breed animals that are as productive and easy care as possible.

Genetic Trends